Sunday 27 July 2008


How to Treat Blisters

1. Choose shoes that fit properly and wear cushioning socks.

2. To reduce friction, put petroleum jelly or foot powder directly on the most sensitive spots on your feet, including the backs of your heels, balls of your feet, and tops and sides of your toes.

3. if you have a red, sore area where you think a blister might be developing, cover it with a bandage immediately and keep the bandage on as you wear shoes over the next several days.

4. preferably before a lot of fluid has time to build up inside it. Here's what to do:
Thoroughly wash your hands.and then barutah...
  1. Clean the blister area with alcohol or an iodine solution.
  2. Puncture the blister with a needle you've sterilized (by soaking it in alcohol).
  3. Leave the top on the blister. DO NOT try to pull it off, because doing so will delay healing and open the raw area to infection.
  4. Apply a topical antiseptic to the blister and the surrounding skin.
  5. Cover the area with a bandage or piece of sterile gauze taped into place, and keep it covered for several days.

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